Production and procurement
of food equipment

We have extensive experience in the installation of industrial technological equipment of both imported and domestic production. A solid team of our specialists with traditionally unchanged quality and reliability will perform:

  • installation of any non-standard equipment in the design position
  • assembly, installation and modernization of the full cycle of technological equipment
  • installation and piping of capacitive equipment
  • installation of CIP stations and flow redistribution panels
  • "installation of pasteurizing and cluster equipment"
  • assembly of conveyor equipment
  • installation of heat exchange equipment
  • installation of main and technological pipelines of engineering media (water, steam, air, CIP-solutions, etc.), with insulation work of all types
    electrical route including EC&I
  • installation of auxiliary and main metal structures (piping bridges, overhead passings, transition ladders, observation sites, etc.)

Installation and commissioning of equipment - a process that requires an individual approach and accurate solutions - is the basis for the smooth operation of equipment for a long time.

In the implementation of all projects, with individual development, we strive for comprehensive solutions for their optimization and the maximum cost reduction for the Customer.
The use of our own production base in combination with modern technologies allows us to find solutions for any production tasks and premises of our customers.